First and second grade are housed in the main part of the building. These students have a restroom assigned only for first and second grade that is located steps away from their classroom doors. Students at Cabrini enjoy two recesses everyday.
The educational programs at St. Frances Cabrini are comprised of three facets: academic, spiritual, and enrichment.
Curriculum Resources:
SuperKids Reading by Zaner-Bloser
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics by Zaner-Bloser
Saxon Math
Sophie Institute- Spirit of Truth
Handwriting by Zaner-Bloser
Studies Weekly periodicals for Social Living, which is a combination of Science and Social Studies
S.T.R.E.A.M Projects (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
Project Based Learning (student-led)
Field Trips
What's covered:
Reading simple passages progresses into full stories
Handwriting including cursive in the second semster of second grade
All early elementary math concepts and skills including multiplication in the second semester of second grade
Interesting science experiments and topics
Social Studies
First Grade Mardi Gras Shoe Box Float Parade
Second Grade Thanksgiving Day Balloons Over Broadway Parade
Spiritual formation:
Religion lessons taught everyday
First Grade Saint Project
Second grade preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion
The Seven Sacraments
The 10 Commandments
The Beatitudes
Weekly Mass
Religious Feasts
Service Projects
All students attend each enrichment class 1 time each week:
In the third grade, students make a shift to "big kid school." The ELA that they learned in previous years is now split into two different subjects - Reading and English. However, our students in third through sixth grade still enjoy 2 recesses per day, learning through experiements, field trips, and many activities that allow for active and fun experiences at school.
Curriculum Resources:
Magnetic Reading by i-Ready Learning
Novel Studies
Shurley English
Saxon Math
Sophie Institute- Spirit of Truth
Handwriting by Zaner-Bloser in 3rd grade
Studies Weekly periodicals for Science and Social Studies in 3rd and 4th
NICERC in 5th and 6th
Catholic Textbook Project in 5th and 6th
S.T.R.E.A.M Projects (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
Project Based Learning (student-led)
Field Trips
3rd Grade Louisiana Day (Festival Project)
4th Grade State Project
5th Grade Social Studies Fair
6th Grade Country Fair and Science Fair
Spiritual formation:
Religion lessons taught everyday
First Friday Devotions
Weekly Mass
Religious Feasts
Service Projects
Altar Servers
Readings at Mass
Children of Mary
All students attend each enrichment class 1 time each week: